Counseling Services

Young Children
Developmental Issues
Potty Training
Parenting Support
Special Needs
Stress Management

Plant background


Welcome! I'd ask how you are - but if all were perfect you might not be browsing this site...

Navigating our fast-paced world is always an adventure for children and teens, but not always fun. The social, behavioral, academic and interpersonal expectations for children, can be a worrisome challenge, and not always an easy one! Helping children become brave, display grit and perseverance can be rewarding, exciting and scary! Parenting children and the tasks of educating, teaching and directing can leave parents unsure, worried, overwhelmed and exhausted.

As a cognitive behavioral therapist with a rich history working with children and families (with special needs as well as more typical developmental concerns), my goal is to help you and your child travel complicated moments and bumps that are interfering with your happy family.

If you're looking for extra support and guidance with your child, family, in your parenting, or if you are just ready to move in a new direction in your own life, I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

Please contact me for a free brief phone consultation. I can and will help.

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Helpful Forms

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